April 30th

Zach wants to be a cowboy when he grows up!  Hee haw!

April 29th

Zach's best Popeye impression.  I am what I am and that's all that I am.

April 28th

Zach can roller skate!  We bought these skates at a garage sale a few years ago for Noah but he was never interested in them.  Zach found them in a tub and knew right away they were skates.  He put them on and scooted all around the house, much to our amazement!  Even though his face doesn't show it in this picture, he LOVED it and the first thing he said Friday morning was "skates on".

April 27th

I can't pass up a good deal, so when Groupon had tickets for the Iowa Energy basketball game, I was all over it.  It must run in my genes because Kyle bought some too.  Zach kept asking where Cy was, and if he could see the band, but other than that he had a great time!  Kyle & Amber taught Zach how to fly like Superman, which is a decision they quickly regretted because that is all he wanted!  (And look...I am actually in a picture with Zach for a change!  Palmer family patented self portrait!)

April 26th

I thought little boys were supposed to be Mama's boys.  Zach apparently didn't get the memo, because where ever Chris is, Zach is right beside him "helping Daddy."

April 24th

Easter Egg Hunt at our House

Easter at Mimi & Papa's

Easter at the farm

Easter at Grandma & Papa's

April 23rd

Today we decorated Easter eggs!  I bought "spill-proof" dye cups that actually worked pretty well.  Zach got to shake the eggs and feel a part of the process without making a huge mess.  A few eggs got cracked in the process, but all in all it was a success!

April 22nd

Tonight we went to Mimi & Papa's to make Easter treats.  We made egg shaped rice krispie treats, Oreo balls on a stick, and cupcakes.  Everything was decorated with M&Ms, jelly beans, and Peeps!  Zach loved sneaking candy!

April 21st

He finally enjoyed bubbles in a bath!  It was a big day at our house!

April 19th

Tuesday we took Zach to ride the Easter train and to see the bunny.  He LOVES the choo choo, and smiled enough to get the picture with the Easter Bunny so he could get the heck out of there.  That bunny makes him nervous!

April 18th

Zach loves to look at pictures and hear old stories.  There is one particular picture from the tractor ride Chris and my dad go on with my uncles David, Arnie, and Jim each year that he has been obsessed with for months.  It has a few of his favorite things in it...Daddy, Papa, and tractors!  Zach can point out and says David, Jim, Papa, and Daddy and then picks what tractor he wants to drive.  The kid is a tractor nut!  He is SO excited to go to the farm ("furmm" as he calls it) on Easter Sunday.  Let's hope for some nice weather!

April 17th

Zach and Chris finally got haircuts on Sunday.  Here is my pink-cheeked boy showing off his new hairdo.

April 16th

My boys...sitting on the loveseat playing with their laptops.  Saturday afternoons don't get much better than that!

April 13th

An actual ice cream truck went down our street today and stopped a few doors down.  It had music playing, and kids came running from blocks and blocks!  I of course grabbed Zach and some cash and went running too!  I am not eating sugar at the moment, and Zach hates ice cream, so we picked an oreo ice cream sandwich for Chris.  I only thought ice cream trucks existed in 1950 & the movies.

April 12th

Zach and I took a walk to the pond by our house to feed the ducks tonight while we waited for Chris to get home from Mason City.  Zach loved running in the grass, throwing bread in the water, and just being outside.  This is going to be an awesome spring & summer with my little explorer.

April 11th

Daddy is home, and that means it is time to grill!  Tonight it was grinder burgers, asparagus and onions, and a stuffed mushroom and garlic bread for Chris.  Yummy!

April 10th

A beautiful day means lunch outside for my little man.  I hope this weather is here to stay.  Did they really mention snow in the forecast this week?  Ugh!

April 9th

Saturday the Hy-Vee in Altoona had a big Easter egg hunt.  Zach wasn't quite sure about the Easter bunny, but did sit on his lap.  The look on his face shows his distrust of the fluffy fellow.  The actual egg hunt overwhelmed Zach.  There was a ton of kids and parents, and a fire truck was there that he was just sure was going to get him.  He was quite clingy, but we managed to get some good treats!  In the afternoon he got to drive the Easter train at the Mall.  It was much less tramatic than the Bunny & egg hunt!

April 8th

Uncle NeNe is pretty lucky for you to share your cuddles with him!

April 7th

If I had a little girl, I would be excited about hair bows, pink jelly sandals, and little painted fingernails.  Since I am a "boy mom", baseball caps and little jean jackets get me excited!  I love you Little Man!

April 6th

Another birthday celebration!  This time it was at Grandma Bailey's house.  Zach loved looking out the big windows on her porch and seeing Nancy & Great Grandma Bailey.  Check out the picture of 3 generations working on the computer together!  Adorable!

April 5th

In 1950 my uncle David wore a little brown striped suit to my Grandma Huntrods’ sister’s wedding.  He was 2.

In 1987, at age 2, Kyle wore the suit for pictures.

Today Zach wore the suit.  He was so excited about the bow tie because Mr.Noodle on Sesame Street wears one.  He looks so big!

April 4th

Monday night was BIG at Great Grandma Palmer's.  Randy & Jenny announced with adorable filled cupcakes that they are having a BOY!  Here Zach is telling Grandma goodbye.

April 3rd

Zach in his adorable clearance pants Mimi & Mommy scored shopping.  (cell phone picture)

April 2nd

This is what happens when your son doesn't have enough male influence around because his father is away riding motorcycles every weekend!  :)  (Cell phone picture)