August 22nd

Dog Swim at the Altoona Pool!

August 21st

When Daddy is off riding motorcycles, what is Mommy to do but spend the day with her favorite little man at the lake?!  We played in the sand, fed the birds popcorn, and blew bubbles.  Thank you Mimi & Papa for distracting us on how much we were missing Chris!


August 20th

Papa & Zach watching "the horsies run" as Zach would say.

August 18th

Did you hear the news?  I am moooo-ving on over to Pioneer!  (haha, sometimes I just crack myself up!)

Thursday we decided to go the Iowa State Fair one last time.

Zach got to milk a cow.  (For $2 of course) 

He started out by rubbing her nicely to introduce himself.

And then got down to business.

Then we visited our old friend Milk Shake the cow.

We spent a long time in the cow barn...mainly because it was pouring rain outside.  The best part of the cow barn?  The hat shop! 

After he got his hat, Zach insisted we called him Cowboy Zach.

Cowboy Zach wanted to show Milkshake the cow his new hat.

I could not get enough of the cuteness that was Cowboy Zach.

After we had done everything you can do in the cow barn at least twice, we braved the rain to find some tractors and a big red dog.

Then it was off to find Freddie, Cowboy Zach's favorite horse.

Against Chris' better judgement (he is secretly scared of Carnies), we took Cowboy Zach to the Midway to ride a few rides.

This was his face before the motorcycle ride started.

And this was his face as soon as it started.  That smile did not leave his face until the ride was over.

Chris and Cowboy Zach rode the Ladybugs and then it was time to head home.  We love the Iowa State Fair!

August 14th

Our Friday night tree trimming turned into a Saturday afternoon chopping down of 2 additional trees.  We took the branches to the farm this time.  Zach wore a different helmet and got to ride a tractor.

We had our usual Sunday night dinner at Palmer's and Zach got to hold baby Memphis for the first time.  Zach thought it was pretty cool!

August 13th

Last night we trimmed some trees in our backyard, and this morning we took the limbs to the dump.  Zach insisted on wearing his new John Deere gloves and borrowed a hard hat from Mimi & Papas.  It was quite the look, but he was so proud of himself for helping!

August 11th

We had a GREAT time at the Iowa State Fair tonight.  We petted piglets and calfs, rode the big slide and the sky glider.  Zach even got to ride a pony named Freddy.  He yelled Heee Haaaw the whole time and entertained the workers.  It is a whole new experience to enjoy the Fair through Zach's eyes.  Next time he wants to ride the Ferris Wheel!