August 31st

Saturday was the first ISU football game of the season.  We won't discuss the actual game...but we will discuss our tailgate party!  We had a great time at my parents with Kyle & Amber and Arnie & Cori and all 3 of their girls.  Kate & Zach cheered for the Panthers and played "quarters" with beer caps.  As usual, the food was amazing and fun was had by all!  Go State!


August 30th

Are you ready for some football?!?!  Grandma & Zach are!  It's starting to feel like Fall!

August 29th

Zach had a great first first days of preschool but he comes home VERY tired.  Tuesday night he even put himself to bed at 7:45pm and was asleep in 2 minutes.  Tonight he played outside with Tony for a bit before collapsing inside.  I love our new schedule!

August 26th

I am way behind posting and have a ton of photos to share, but I am going to have to do this out of order for a bit.

Today was Zach's first day of 4-year-old Preschool.  He was so excited and brave and I can't wait to see him blossom again this year.

I also found this poem that pretty much sums up how I feel today.

I wonder what you're doing right now and if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person, a nice friend that you can find.
I wonder if the teacher knows just how special you are to me.
And if the brightness of your heart is something she can see.
I wonder if you are thinking about me and if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice and how you give my leg a tug.
I wonder if you could possible understand how hard it is to me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks, for this is the first step in letting my baby go.
 - Wendy Silva


August 24th - Kansas City

Last weekend the whole Palmer clan (minus Tony) headed to Kansas City for the weekend. We had a great time together!  The first store we came to in Crown Center was a sports store.  Zach immediately headed to the Kansas section since they are his newest favorite team.  He says when he grows up he is going to live in Kansas City and Tony is going to live in his basement!

August 24th - Legoland

After wandering around Crown Center for a bit, we headed to Legoland.  The boys loved it.  There were a couple of rides and a ton of ineractive exhibits and fun around every corner.  My favorite was the 4D actually snowed inside the theater!


August 24th - Sea Life

After Legoland we headed to Sea Life aquarium.  This was much more slow paced for the boys and Memphis slept through much of it.  It was still really cool to see all of the animals and was nice and relaxing.


August 18th

Chris was out of town this weekend helping at a motorcycle open house in Marne, IA.  He brought a bunch of motorcycle magazines & brochures back for Zach.  They sat and looked through them tonight for at least an hour discussing all of the different motorcycles.  Zach sure missed his Daddy!

August 13th

Tonight was Meet the Teacher Night in Ankeny...and also Kim from Noodle Zoo's birthday.  Zach picked out a rose for Kim and signed his name to the card.  She is like another grandma to him and was VERY happy we stopped in to celebrate with her. 

Zach has 19 kids in his preschool class and the same teacher as last year...but she has 4 aides.  I can't imagine the chaos in that room!

August 12th - Fair

Fun at the Iowa State Fair...


August 12th - Parade

Craig, Peggy, Chris, Noah, & Zach (and other members of the Baldwin Patterson Legion) were in the Veteran's Day Parade at the Iowa State Fair.  It was a hot day and Zach was tired of sitting so by the time the parade got to me he wanted out of the truck.  It was a very patriotic and moving parade.

August 12th - Little Hands on the Farm

Monday was Veteran's Day at the Iowa State Fair.  Since Chris & Zach are both members of the Sons of the American Legion, they got in free and were in the parade.  I took the day off too and we made a day of it.

When we first got there, we went through Little Hands on the Farm.  In case you have never been through it, it teaches kids the importance of agriculture and how it affects their daily lives in a fun and interactive way.  Children obtain a gathering basket and proceed along a path that includes a garden, grain bin, apple orchard, chicken coop, tractor shed, sheep barn, and dairy barn.  After gathering items along the way, they go the "market" and sell their goods.  Zach LOVES it and it doesn't hurt that it is sponsored by Pioneer!

August 10th

Saturday August 10th we celebrated Noah turning 8 & Memphis turning 2 with a swimming/water balloon battle party.  The kids had a blast in the pool and everyone enjoyed the summer weather.  Happy Birthday to 2 very special boys!


August 9th

Friday was Grandma Palmer's funeral.  While waiting for the ceremony to begin, Zach wrote a report on South America.  He said, and I quote, "it's just like America but it's South."  Where he comes up with this stuff, I will never know  but his innocence and humor was a great distraction on a very sad day.  It doesn't hurt that he is the most handsome little boy I have ever seen.  He looks so good in a suit & tie that I think he might have a future in politics.


August 3rd

Chris' Grandma Palmer passed away tonight.  Even though we knew it was coming, it was still quite a blow.  She was such a warm and loving and giving woman.  She was so proud of her family and we were all so blessed to get to call her "Grandma".

Is 2013 almost over???