September 28th

If you come to one of Zach's soccer games, it won't take you long to realize he isn't exactly the most aggressive player on the team.  He does great in practice, but in the games he just sort of stays back from most of the action.  He runs and hustles and busts out some dance moves every once in awhile, but isn't in there fighting for the ball.  After Saturday's game I was telling him how he needs to get in there and push and take the ball and kick it in the net.  He looked at me with the most innocent of eyes and said "I should push the other kids down?!?"  I tried to explain that he shouldn't push kids down or hurt anyone, but to not be afraid to bump into other kids to get the ball.  He said "Mom, I will let the other kids fight for the ball and just kick it if it comes by me.  It isn't worth fighting."  It's hard to come up with an argument against that.  I guess I will just cheer on my boys non-agressive loving ways as long as I can.  At least he is having fun!


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