March 11th

Chris & I are thrilled to finally officially announce we are pregnant!

Baby Palmer #2 is due September dad's 60th birthday.

(If you are friends with us on Facebook, please don't post anything until we officially announce it there.  I haven't told my work yet!  Right in the middle of harvest isn't the best time to be taking leave when you work in agriculture so I keep putting it off!)

We found out we were expecting on New Year's Eve, the morning of the Cyclone's bowl game.  With their dismal performance that day we should have known the road ahead was going to be rocky!  Since I have had 2 previous miscarriages (July & October) the doctors monitored my blood work for a week to make sure my levels were rising appropriately.  They did and we finally started to let ourselves get sort of excited.  On January 20th I started bleeding.  We thought for sure we were having another miscarriage.  After a late Sunday night trip to the ER and a lot of prayers, we heard the best news ever...there was a heartbeat.  I spotted on and off for about a month.  The doctors thought I had a subchorionic hemorrhage which is pretty common in early pregnancy and normally resolves itself.  I worried and worried and worried and Chris reassured, reassured, reassured.  He really is my rock.  On February 9th, at Baconfest of all places, I had another big bleed.  Why do these things always happen on the weekend?   Valentine's day evening I had the biggest bleed yet.  We headed to the ER for a romantic holiday of blood tests & ultrasounds!  Everything looked fine with the baby and they couldn't see what was causing the bleeding.  The spotting eventually stopped about 10 days ago and I PRAY that is the end of it.

With all of the uncertainty, we really debated about when to tell Zach (and everyone else) about the baby.  Cupid left Zach a note on Valentine's Day telling him he was going to be a big brother.  He was BEYOND excited and told his whole preschool class & daycare that day.  He is 100% sure the baby will be a boy.  We were going to send out Valentine's Day cards as the announcement, but got scared with all of the complications.

We had an OB appointment on Friday and got to hear the heartbeat again.  It is like music to my ears.  During the first 10 weeks of this pregnancy, we had 6 sets of blood tests, 5 ultrasounds, & 2 ER visits.  We are really hoping the drama is over for awhile.  Since Zach was born with a birth defect (I HATE that phrase and don't associate it with Zach but I guess it is what it is), we are having our big ultrasound at 20 weeks at the Perinatal Center instead of Iowa Radiology.  They have better equipment and experience I guess.   I am currently 14 1/2 weeks pregnant and we will find out if it is a boy or a girl April 19th.

Love you all!
Chris, Sara, Zach, & Baby Beans #2 (Baby will get their own nickname soon)

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